Hi, I’m Karen!

Yep, my name is “Karen”, but I’m not THAT Karen.

I am an entrepreneur and creative at heart who thrives on connecting with people. In 2012, I followed a dream and launched a photography business. Through sheer grit, determination and some grace from above, I was able to build a thriving business. Eventually I grew my business to a 6-figure level. And then life shifted.

All 3 of our kids moved out of the house. It left me with a bit of an identity crisis if I’m being honest.

See, I put another dream on hold when our children were born. I have a degree in Marketing, but never pursued a career in that field so I could stay home and raise our children. Photography was a great creative outlet for me. When they all flew the coup, I was left longing to pursue that marketing dream.

I knew I could use all the experience and expertise I had gained building my own business to help other small businesses. After all, I have been in their shoes.

In 2024, I became a Certified StoryBrand Guide through Donald Miller’s program. Using the proven marketing tools that StoryBrand offers, I’m now able to pursue another dream and help small businesses turn their own dreams into a thriving reality.

I have a sign in my office that says - If you don’t build your dream, someone will hire you to build theirs.

It’s time for your dream!

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